How old is Harris now?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Harris dancing style

Oh my boy!

Harris gets more and more charming as he grows.  He sings out almost about everything he does ( using frere jaque/are you sleeping melody), and he dances to every music he listens to.

I managed to get a video of him dancing to the melody from his leapfrog activity table. I think you'd be amused as I am after watching it. ;-)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bienvenue Sarah!

Harris' little sister - Sarah

Harris has had a sister! Her name is Sarah. She was born on Sepetember 20th 2012 at 05.05 a.m.
He adjusted well to this new addition into our family. He in fact loves her.
Harris is a big boy now. you two are always in my prayer, and maman loves both of you very very much. muahxxx
Harris playing his part as big brother  ;)