How old is Harris now?

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 22, 2012

a step towards independence

harris has officially slept in his own room ! this has been going on since we move in to our new house. that's an achievement Harris.
His room is decorated appropriately to his age. with a car bed, fancy wall border, cartoons wall stickers and  a green sponge bob curtain  :P

we also hung his potrait picture at the bed head. that's probably my favorite part about the  room.

we've been doing activities together here . finger and hand painting, playing thomas' train together, identifying the cartoon animals on the wall and many more.

just as i have always dreamed.

I love you son

Saturday, November 10, 2012

unleashing the da vinci within

I love today! We had our first ever painting session together. I bought him  a set of washable finger painting and a box of basic art equipment. he hesitated the idea of  tainting his hands and fingers with  the paints in the beginning. but not for long. he absolutely loves this activity. even maman enjoys it. will do this more often. i promise!


doing handprinting

posing with his masterpieces ;-)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Harris dancing style

Oh my boy!

Harris gets more and more charming as he grows.  He sings out almost about everything he does ( using frere jaque/are you sleeping melody), and he dances to every music he listens to.

I managed to get a video of him dancing to the melody from his leapfrog activity table. I think you'd be amused as I am after watching it. ;-)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bienvenue Sarah!

Harris' little sister - Sarah

Harris has had a sister! Her name is Sarah. She was born on Sepetember 20th 2012 at 05.05 a.m.
He adjusted well to this new addition into our family. He in fact loves her.
Harris is a big boy now. you two are always in my prayer, and maman loves both of you very very much. muahxxx
Harris playing his part as big brother  ;)

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Febrile Fit

Just two weeks prior to his 2nd birthday, Petit Harris caught another bout of URTI ( upper respiratory tract infection). he had been having runny nose, mild dry cough and a subtle hoarseness of voice for about 1 or 2 days followed by a fever. We had noticed the intermittent fever the day before but thought it is just a low grade temperature, not worth to annoy him with anti-pyretic med and he was jolly well active.
However, the next day, while he was playing around us, he suddenly fell to sit, with a blank stare. his papa quickly took him onto his lap.he continued to be unresponsive to call, stared blankly slightly upward, and his saliva started to drool. there was no jerky movement or limb stiffness. the whole episode lasted for  good 4-5 minutes. i realised he was febrile at that time. trying not to be panicky, we applied wet cloth onto his body and (luckily) i went to Klinik 1  Malaysia earlier that day to get a few packet of suppository paracetamol for home stock ( knowing Harris who will vomit back  syrup med).

he was drowsy for a couple of minutes post ictally, and Alhamdulillah back to his normal self after that. I made sure he had no other neurological deficit ( by doing full neurological examination ).  I don't think he needed any biochemical investigation as the presentation  and age wise was rather straightforward suggestive of simple febrile fit. therefore , i just observed  him at home by taking leave a couple of days. we gave him 6 hourly suppository PCM  with regular tepid sponging especially when he had temperature spike. after tthe fitting episode, i made my husband went to the pharmacy to buy a thermometre stat, for precise temperature monitoring :D

he developed parenteral diarrhea the next day. poor boy had to endure pain from the perianal excoriation. so torturing to see him in such pain every time  he purged. but this forever playful boy is so active in between. running around in broad based gait ( due to perianal pain) and throwing toys all around the house as usual.  we applied topical zinc oxide cream to soothe the discomfort and i think it did work :)  he fully recovered day 3 after the seizure and i can't stop thanking God for the speedy recovery.

One thing i learn from this event was that, fitting was a scary scene especially if it happened to your loved one. i have seen countless febrile and afebrile seizures before, but when it happened to my own son, the emotion and anxiety level were totally different. i was able to maintain good composure through out the event but only God knows how scared I was at that time.

i had a history of febrile fit myself once during my infantile period. so did my younger brother. hence, it was no surprise that it could  occur to my son. May this be first and the last for him. will be more cautious the next time he caught a fever.

je t'aime toujours Harris dear

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Petit Harris a deux ans

Joyeux anniversaire mon petit ange!

you re extra adorable today. in conjuction with eid celebration, this year's team is raya/eid as well ;)

let the photos do the briefing on  how lovely the day has turned out to be  ;)

Hyatt's choc cake P.M.

Raya cake A.M.

Harris Is Two

hallo bonjour!

Happy birthday little son!

mommy 's going to fetch your birthday cake around 8. we'll have and early celebration today as everyone else are leaving nenek's house today.
let's hope your aki, oma and tok ayah can make it too :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend in Port Dickson

we were so fortunate to spend the weekend in two of  Port Dickson's best resorts - Avillion and The Grand Lexis.  marvellous!
Little Harris is the happiest of all . every time  mandi pool, mesti kena berperang nak ajak naik.

first thing in the morning, let's enjoy the view


after long hour bathing session, it's time to watch Franklin!

need to wash my feet :P ( alasan nak main air)

mommy I'm standing ON the water

Father and son moment

Sunday, June 17, 2012

harris at 1 year 10 months

bojour honey.
 i haven't updated online for a looooong time. 
you have grown so fast . now at 1 year 10 months :) 
you have learnt how to listen, to imitate, to authorise, to command, to sing with almost perfect rhyme! ;;))  you are now able to count 1 to 10, in malay, in english and in french :)
you have stopped breast feeding since 2 months ago. but once in a while you still do ask for it. 

the major anticipation this year, is that you are going to be an elder brother by september . I wonder how well you would adapt to this change. we will still love you very dearly, son. i'm sure you ll learn to love your little sibling in no time :)


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy new year!

At East Coast Mall. Maman, can we drive this taxi home?

At ToysRus KLCC. he's so fond of the coupe. i ll buy it for you once i get your papa to agree. hehe
salut harris et mes amis

so many memories with you that i did not translate into writing or picture. what a waste.  btw, happy new year! celebrating new year with new look. harris kicked off 2012 chapter with new hairdo : harris goes bald version 2.0! ( version 1.0 during his day 7th of life - part of religious rituals of which we are encouraged to do)
i was oncall on the 27th december. i came back the next day only to find my little prince had had a make over! i barely recognised him on the first glance. apparently, nenek ( harris' great grandmother) brought him to an Indian barber for a hair cut. the barber asked her wether she wanted no 1 or no 2( referring to the type of shaver's blades)  but she thought the two options were types of haircut and just randomly chose number one. in a matter of seconds, harris' hair on the parietal region was gone n that made my grandma to scream in horror. haahaha.
but Harris still looks cute and adorable. the hairless-do only highlights the mischievous part of you more :P:P
love you my little love-to-tantruming angel.